Being one of the most abundant of metals in the world, iron is both cheap and strong, making it one of the most used metal in many common day situations.
Although strong, iron is not that strong by itself and has to be combined with other elements and metals to be strong enough for industrial use. Iron alloys are often used in construction and in many different types as well.
- One type of alloy is known as known as high carbon steel. This alloy contains a high percentage of carbon (1.5%) which makes the alloy very hard from high a disruption of atoms' orderly arrangement. This type of alloy is commonly used for manufacturing hammers, which are hard.
- Another kind of alloy common associated with iron is stainless steel. This alloy is high in Chromium (13%) which is resistant to corrosion. As a result, stainless steel resists rusting, and is used for cutlery and surgical equipments, to prevent any biological ailments.
- Low carbon steel, too, is very cheap and fairly strong and hence is used mainly in structural supports in the construction industry, for virtually every kind of structure.
Iron-based compounds are also equally useful in modern day society. However, in contrary, such compounds are not used for construction purposes.
- Iron sulfate, Fe2(SO4)3, another iron compound, is used to treat anemia, the abnormality of red blood cells, due to iron ion deficiency. It is also used in treating sewage particles in water tanks.
- Iron hydroxide, Fe(OH)3 is a compound that runs water purification systems employed in our everyday lives. It is very important in ensuring that the need for pure and clean water in the household is met efficiently, by neutralising acids in the water, being a base.
- There is also iron arsenate, FeAsO3, which can be found in insecticides. It makes a very significant impact in gardens by preventing most pest attacks. This comes from the pungent smell from the compound.